Clubhouse & Pool Rules


(911 Phone is located in Club House Walkway for emergency assistance during open hours)

The Tuscany Pool and Club House are for the use and enjoyment of Tuscany POA members in good standing. We need the cooperation of all residents to make the pools both fun, safe and sanitary facilities for everyone. Residents must advise children and their guests of the rules and safety precautions. The following rules must be observed at all times. The common areas are owned by the Tuscany Property Owners Association and are available to HOA members in good standing and their guests.


1. The regular pool hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday-Sunday

2. Pool access may be denied at any time due to capacity limits, weather, pool condition or if maintenance is required.

3. Use of the pool facilities is at the residents' or guests' own risk and by use of the facility the user agrees to hold the Tuscany HOA and HOA Management harmless regarding liabilities of any kind related to the use of the facility.

4. Before swimming in the pool, street clothes, those clothes worn during the days activities, must be changed into clean swimming attire. Such swimming attire must be family friendly and may be culturally appropriate. Street clothes are allowed at the pool, but not in the pool.

5. Children who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers. Pool contamination is costly and inconveniences everyone. Please be considerate. Bring EXTRA swim diapers, wipes and plastic bags. Also, please take soiled diapers with you when you leave. We have provided diaper changing tables in both the women's and men's restrooms for your convenience and privacy.

6. HOA members are not lifeguards. When present, they have full authority and are responsible for interpretation and enforcement of all rules and regulations. Residents are asked to work cooperatively with HOA Management to assure enforcement of the rules for the safety and enjoyment of everyone.

7. The pool is for the exclusive use of residents and their invited guests. A member resident may allow a guest who is sixteen (16) years of age or older who has resident permission and key fob to use the pool when they are not present until space does not permit. A Tuscany HOA key fob is required for admittance. One key fob will be issued to each household. If lost or stolen, a $15.00 fee per fob will be charged for replacement.

8. Resident children under fourteen (14) years of age are not permitted in the pool area unless accompanied always by a parent or by a caretaker (Babysitter or Swim Instructor over 16). No guests of the resident child or the sitter/swim instructor are allowed without the resident parent being present. Said caretaker or parent must have a Tuscany HOA pool FOB with them for admission. A second fob can be purchased for a $15.00 fee.

9. Resident children between the ages of 14 and 15 are permitted in the pool area, subject to parental permission, without the presence of the resident parent, but are not permitted to bring guests unless accompanied by a resident parent or caretaker. A Tuscany HOA pool fob is required for admission.

10. No running, roughhousing, general horseplay or disorderly conduct that will endanger the safety of others is allowed.

11. No diving, somersaults, back dives, cannon balls, preacher seats, can openers, or similar type entries from the edge of the pool or the center island are permitted

12. Lawn Chairs and sun chairs brought from home to pool must be pool compatible and present no damage to the pool deck. ABSOLUTELY NO POOL FURNITURE TO BE PLACED INSIDE THE POOL ITSELF OR THE CENTER ISLAND (legs of furniture scratch the pool plaster and cause it to crack and ultimately bread off).

13. Firearms, pellet guns, bow and arrows, sling shots and other hazardous items are prohibited from entering the pool complex.

14. Trash containers are available for your trash. Please take a moment to pick up trash and your personal belongings before you leave. This ensures that the pool area stays clean and enjoyable for everyone. There is no lost and found available, thus toys, clothing, etc. left at the pool will be placed in the garbage cans.

15. No glass containers of any type are allowed in the pool area. No food or drinks inside the pool area itself or the center island.

16. No pets or animals of any type are allowed in the pool or clubhouse area except for service animals all State Health Code Rules must be followed.

17. Smoking is not allowed at the pool area or clubhouse, including vapor or electronic cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco.

18. No bikes, skateboards roller skates/blades or similar items (manual or electric ) are permitted in the pool or clubhouse areas. Please park on Clubhouse front porch under roof before entering.

19. Residents and their guests must refrain from any activity, which is either a nuisance to other residents or guests or in any manner damages Tuscany HOA property.

20. Residents are responsible for any damage they, their children or guests may cause while using Tuscany HOA property. All property is under 24hour video surveillance.

21. Tenants who are renting or leasing their home from a HOA Member must complete a Tenant Registration Form which must be signed by the HOA Member/Owner as well. HOA Member must be in good standing for tenant use of amenities.

22. Use of Tuscany facilities will be denied to property owners and residents who are not in good standing due to covenant violations or unpaid association fees.

23. Violations of these rules may result in (a) temporary revocation of pool privileges, (b) revocation of pool privileges, (c) fines or assessments, and/or (d) legal action against the violator.


1. The Tuscany Clubhouse can be reserved by any member resident in good standing with the HOA. Reservation time is limited to 6 hours and no reservations are allowed on Memorial Day, 4th of July, or Labor Day.

2. The clubhouse will only be open during specific reserved events.

3. The events calendar can be viewed online at website. You can reserve the clubhouse by clicking on contact us and send the name, date and time you would like to reserve the clubhouse, email

4. After use, the Clubhouse must be cleaned in accordance with the requirements which are posted in the Clubhouse. It is recommended that you take pictures of the Clubhouse before and after you use it. If there is any damage, or if Clubhouse is not left clean, or in the condition you found it when you arrived, a HOA representative will contact you.


1. Children’s playground area is for Tuscany residents and their guest only. 2. The regular hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday - Sunday.

3. Rocks and pebbles are provided in play area for your child's safety. ALL PEBBLES should remain within the designated playground area. Please supervise your child, and children removing pebbles from play area will be asked to leave the play area.

4. All children under 8 should be accompanied by an adult (over 16) on both basketball court as well as in the playground area.

5. No Profanity allowed.

6. NO Alcohol or drugs allowed.

7. NO glass containers.

8. NO fighting allowed.

9. NO hanging on the Basketball rims.



REVISED August 3, 2021